Richard S. Muller, "Engineering Microsystems, a Half Century of Progress,"
Invited Seminar for Department of Medical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 6 November, 2015.
Richard S. Muller, "Up from the Bottom," Keynote Speech: MEMS Technology Summit - 25 Years in Perspective, Lessons from the Past and Vision for the Future (on the 25th anniversary of the founding of NovaSensor), hosted at the Frances C. Arrallaga Alumni Center by Stanford University, 19-20 October 2010.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS in the PAST, MEMS at PRESENT....MEMS in the FUTURE," invited seminar: National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Nanoengineering and Microsystems, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 4 February 2010.
Richard S. Muller, "Optical MEMS-- Reflections & Projections," invited seminar: Dept of EECS, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 18 March 2004.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS Now and Future," invited seminar, University of Hannover, Leibnizhaus, Hannover, Germany, 16 January 2004.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS, NEMS, and Microsystems," seminar, (invited distinguished speaker), 21st Century College of Engineering Forum on Global Information Electronics, Graduate School in Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, November 4, 5, 6, 2003.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS Past, MEMS Present, MEMS Future," Seminar: Princeton Area MEMS Journal Club, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, 20 May, 2003.
Richard S. Muller, "Tribo-Tribulations for MEMS," Defense Science Research Council Workshop on Tribology and Electrostatic Effects in MEMS, San Diego, CA, Jan. 30, 2003.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS - Now and Future, Expanding Challenges, Exploding Applications," (and Growing Concerns), Rossmoor Engineers Club, Walnut Creek, CA, January 28, 2003.
Uthara Srinivasan, Michael A. Helmbrecht, Richard S. Muller, and Roger T. Howe, "MEMS: Some Self-Assembly Required," OSAopn, Optics & Photonic News, Vol. 13, No.11, 20-24, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, Nov. 2002.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS Now and MEMS Future," seminar, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, 6 February 2002.
Richard S. Muller, "MOEMS, Its Present Technologies and Market Status," Invited Panelist Presentation, SPIE Conference: 4561 Micromachining and Microfabrication, San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel, Millbrae, CA, 23 October 2001.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS, Now and Future-- Expanding Challenges and Exploding Applications," seminar, MADESS Forum (Electronics in the 21st Centurry), University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, 7-8 June 2001.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS, The Beginnings-- the Gathering Pace," seminar, Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratories, Hitachi Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, 255 May 2001.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS- Now and Future: Repeating the IC Experience-- or Reliving Vacuum-Tube History?" invited, Visions for Integrated Microsystem Technolgy, Henry Samueli School of Engineering ,University of California, Irvine, CA, 27 October 2000.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS Research at BSAC," seminar, Daimler-Chrysler Research Laboratory, Munich/Ottobrun, Germany, 8 May 2000.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS, Now and Future," seminar, VDI Engineering Seminars, University of Hannover, Germany, 4 May 2000.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS Research at BSAC," seminar, Siemens Automotive Semiconductors, Regensburg, Germany, 2 May 2000.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS in the New Millennium," seminar, Synergies in Engineering Research, Proceedings pp 285-91, Schloss Reisensburg, University of Ulm, Germany, 26-27 April 2000.
Christian Rembe, Michael Helmbrecht, Matthew Hart, Kam Lau, Richard Muller, "Stroboscopic Interferometer with High Spatial Resolution to Measure 3D Movements in MEMS," invited, Synergies in Engineering Research, Proceedings pp 273-84, Schloss Reisensburg, University of Ulm, Germany, 26-27 April 2000.
Richard S. Muller, "Microphotonic MEMS," seminar, Information Science & Technology Program Staff, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, October 25, 1999.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS, Now and Future," seminar, School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 19 October 1999.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS at BSAC," invited lecture, Peking University, Beijing, China, 4 June 1999.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS in the 3rd Millennium," invited, National Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 31 May 1999.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS at BSAC - Focus on Process Compatibility," seminar, Research Laboratory, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, 4 March 1999.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS...More than Promises, Promises?," invited, Microsystem Technologies '98 - 6th Intern. Conference and Exhibition on Micro-, Electro-, Opto-, Mechanical Systems and Components, Potsdam, Germany, 1-3 December 1998.
Richard S. Muller, "Surface Micromachined Photonic Systems," seminar, VDI Arbeitskreis: Mikroelectronik und Mikrotechnik, and the Institut für Micromechanik, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany, 25 November 1998.
Richard S. Muller, "Review of MEMS in the USA," (as Chair of US Delegation), 4th World Micromachine Summit Meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 29 April-1 May, 1998.
Richard S. Muller, "Surface Micromachining and its Applications at BSAC," seminar, Hewlett-Packard Japan Research Laboratory, Kanagawa, Japan, 17 November 1997.
Richard S. Muller, "Sensors for Imaging and Visualization," lecture, National Research Council Academy/Industry Program, Forum on Imaging and Visualization, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, National Academies of Science and Engineering, Irvine, CA 29 October 1997.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS at BSAC," Daimler-Benz Research Center, Munich/Ottobrun, Germany, 26 May 1997.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS for Microphotonics-- An Update," MEMS Topical Session at Spring 1997 UC Berkeley College of Engineering Industrial Liaison Program, 13 March 1997.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS in the USA - Spring 1997," (as Chair of US Delegation), 3rd World Micromachine Summit Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 28-30 April, 1997.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS Technology for Microphotonics," IEEE Distinguished Lecture, Santa Clara Valley Electron Devices Society, Sunnyvale, CA, 18 February 1997.
Richard S. Muller, "MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS: Present and Future Tense," seminar, Raychem Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, 11 December 1996.
Richard S. Muller, "The Promise of MEMS," seminar, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, 5 December 1996.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS for Microphotonics," seminar, Condensed Matter Series, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 2 December 1996.
Richard S. Muller, "INTRODUCTION to MEMS, MEMS MATERIALS and PROCESSES, and MEMS APPLICATIONS," Three lectures at the NATO Advanced Study Institute Course on Micro/Nanotribology and its Applications, Villas de Sesimbra, Portugal, 16-28 June 1996.
Richard S. Muller, "Materials Issues for Silicon-Based MEMS," seminar, Department of Materials Science, Stanford University, 10 May, 1996.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS in the USA - 1996, Spring - a snapshot," (as Chair of US Delegation), 2nd World Micromachine Summit Meeting, Montreaux, Switzerland, March, 1996.
N.C. Tien, M.J. Daneman, M.-H. Kiang, O. Solgaard, K.Y. Lau,and R. S. Muller, "Polysilicon-micromachined optical devices," Intern. Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, 6-8 December 1995.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS in 1995-- and into the Third Millennium," seminar, Department of ECE, University of California at Davis, 1 December 1995.
Richard S. Muller, "Microelectromechanical Systems," seminar, The University of Hong Kong, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 11 November 1995.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS - Technologies and Applications," seminar, Technolgy Seminar Series, Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 27 October 1995.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS - Devices, Technologies, and Applications," (invited), Department of EECS, University of California at Los Angeles, 26 October 1995.
Richard S. Muller, "Microelectromechanical Systems - 1995, a Status Report," IEEE/EDS Distinguished Lecture Series, Xerox Corporation, Webster, NY, 26 Sept. 1995.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS - 1995, a Status Report," (videoconference seminar) for the University of Singapore, transmitted from the Univ. of California, 9 June 1995.
Richard S. Muller, "Microelectromechanical Systems," (seminar), Dept of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Hawaii, Manoa campus, Honolulu, 15 May 1995.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS in the USA - 1995, Spring - a snapshot," and "Coexistence and Competition between MEMS and Conventional Technologies," (as Chair of US Delegation), 1st World Micromachine Summit Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, 13 - 15 March, 1995.
Richard S. Muller, "Materials and Technology for Microelectromechanical Systems," (invited), 23rd Annual IEEE/TMS Electronic Materials Symposium, Le Baron Hotel, San Jose, CA, 20 March 1995.
Richard S. Muller, "Integrated Microelectromechanical Systems -- Ready for Takeoff," Daimler-Benz Systems Technique Research Laboratory, Berlin, Germany, 22 September 1994.
Richard S. Muller, "Microelectronics, Micromechanics, Microdynamics and MEMS," 1994 IEEE CANDE Workshop, Mandalay Beach Club Resort, Oxnard, CA, 18 April 1994.
Richard S. Muller, "Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) for Automated Highway Applications," Automated Highways Systems Short Course sponsored by Univ. of California Institute of Transportation Studies, Berkeley Marriott Hotel, 2 February, 1994.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromachines, an Enabling Technology," Engineering/Manufacturing Seminar, Harris Corporation, Melbourne, Florida, 19 January, 1994.
Richard S. Muller, "Microactuator Activities in Japan," panel presentation, JTEC (Japan Technology Evaluation Center) Workshop on Microelectromechanical Systems in Japan, Westpark Hotel, Arlington, VA, 17 November 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromachines, Micromechanical Devices," seminar, Department of Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland, 27 October, 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "Research and Devices for MEMS," seminar, University of Neuchatel and Center for Electronic Systems and Measurements (CSEM), Neuchatel, Switzerland, 26 October, 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "Three Lectures on the New Field of Microelectromechanical Systems," (as visiting Professor), Institute for Quantum Electronics (Professor Baltes), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland, 11, 18, 21 October, 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "Overview of MEMS," seminar, Cherry Semiconductors, East Greenwich, Rhode Island, 23 September 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "Technologies, Materials, and Devices for MEMS," seminar, US Army Signal Corps Research Laboratory, Fort Monmouth, NJ, 9 July, 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "Microdevices, Microsystems, and Microtechnologies," seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korean Adv. Inst. of Science and Technology, Taejon, Korea, 11 June, 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "Powerful Partners: Microelectronics & Micromechanics," Lecture, Science Museum of the City of Nagoya, sponsored by Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan, 10 June 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS, Ready for Takeoff?," seminar, Process Technology Laboratory, National University of Singapore, Friday 4 June 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "Microelectromechanical systems (MEMs)," seminar, Process Technology Laboratory, National University of Singapore, Friday, 4 June 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "Mechanical Properties and Micromechanical Applications of Polycrystalline Silicon," lecture, as part of UC Extension Course: Polycrystalline Silicon Technology and Applications, San Francisco Airport Sheraton Hotel, Millbrae, CA, 28-29 April 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "MEMS, Ready for Takeoff?," Integrated Circuits Seminar, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Stanford University, 23 February, 1993.
Richard S. Muller, "Competitive Strategies for Microsystem Technologies," Panel Discussion with representatives of the German Parliament, European ESPRIT program, MITI Japanese Micromachine program, and the German national research commission BMFT, Berlin, Germany, 21 October, 1992.
Richard S. Muller, "Technologies for Microdynamic Systems," seminar, Siemens Corporate Research Laboratory, Erlangen, Germany, 16 October, 1992.
Richard S. Muller, "Formidable Partners: Microelectronics and Micromechanics," seminar, Bell Communications Research, Red Bank, NJ, 18 September, 1992.
Richard S. Muller, "Materials for Microelectromechanical Systems," Army Research Office Workshop: Materials by Design at Small Dimension, Jekyll Island, GA, 20-22 May 1992.
Richard S. Muller, "The Big Promise in Small Systems," 43rd Lecture series on What Physicists Do, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA 94928, 6 April 1992.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromechatronics," Invited lecture at 3rd Forum Engelberg, Impact of Microtechnology on Society, sponsored by the Swiss government at Engelberg/Obwalden, Switzerland, 24-27 March 1992.
Richard S. Muller, "Formidable Partners: Microelectronics and Micromechanics," seminar, ECE Distinguished Lecturer Series, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 2 March 1992.
Richard S. Muller, "How Micromachines Work," invited talk in the series 'How Things Work,' University of California, Berkeley, 30 January 1992.
Richard S. Muller, "Formidable Partners: Microelectronics and Micromechanics," (invited), MICRO SYSTEM Technologies 91, 2nd Intern. Conf. on Microsystems, Berlin, Germany, 31 October 1991.
Richard S. Muller, "Microelectromechanical Systems," invited paper, SITEF, International Colloquium on Smart Sensors and Integrated Microactuators, Toulouse, France, 24-25 October 1991, published in "Capteurs Intelligents et Microactionneurs Integres," 93-100, Cépaduè-Éditions, 111, rue Nicolas Vauquelin, 31100 Toulouse, France.
Richard S. Muller, "From Microelectronics to Microelectronic Systems," keynote address, SENSORS EXPO, O'Hare Exposition Center, Chicago, IL, 2 October 1991.
Richard S. Muller, "Formidable Partners: Microelectronics and Micromechanics," invited lecture, Symposium: "From Faraday to the Stars" commemorating the 200th birthday of Michael Faraday, Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London, England, 25 September 1991.
Richard S. Muller, "BSAC Research in MEMs," seminar for participants at 41st Intern. CIRP held at UC Berkeley, 24 August, 1991.
Richard S. Muller, "The Coming Era of Microelectromechanical Systems," Colloquium, University of Warwick, Department of Engineering, Coventry, UK, 22 July 1991.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromechanical Sensing Systems for PATH," CALTRANS Symposium, Sacramento, CA, 11 June, 1991.
Richard S. Muller, "Formidable Partners: Microelectronics and Micromechanics," Physical Science Colloquium, IBM Almaden Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA, May 24, 1991.
Richard S. Muller, "The World of Lilliput," TV News: The Cutting Edge, Scientists' Institute for Public Information (SIPI) Conference, Chicago, IL, April 14, 1991.
Richard S. Muller, "Formidable Partners: Microelectronics and Micromechanics," Extrapolations Lecture, Kimberly-Clark Research Center, Neenah, WI, April 12, 1991.
Richard S. Muller, "Less is More: A new Front in the "MICRO" Revolution," University of California Berkeley Engineering Alumni Society Meeting, Sacramento, CA, April 9, 1991.
Richard S. Muller, "Materials for Micromechanics," seminar, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Oct. 29, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "Microelectronics, Micromechanics and Microdynamics," evening Seminar,IEEE Electr. Dev. Society, Santa Clara Valley Section, University of Santa Clara, October 16, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromechanics with Thin Films: Issues and (some) Answers," seminar in Plasma and Thin-Film Properties, Dep't of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, October 15, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "Microdynamics," seminar, Advanced Cardiovascular Systems Inc., Santa Clara, CA, Sept. 6, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromechanics and Microdynamics," seminar Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Summer Lecture Series,Livermore, CA, Aug. 22, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "Microsensors and Actuators," seminar, Electrical Engineering Department, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC, June 1, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "Microdynamics," seminar, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, May 31, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "Microelectronics, Micromechanics and Microdynamics," invited lecture, 1990 Intern. Micromachines Symposium, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, May 24-25, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "IC-Processed Transducers," Eta Kappa Nu lecture, Dep't of EECS, Univ. of California, Berkeley, April 26, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromechanics and Microdynamics," Edward H. Armstrong Memorial Lecture, Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York City, April 2, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "Silicon Valley and Berkeley," lecture at the Sharp Corporation Research Laboratory, Tenri, Japan, February 7, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromechanics and Microdynamics for Sensors and Actuators," invited lecture at the International Hi-Tech Forum, Osaka, Japan, February 5, 1990.
Richard S. Muller, "IC-Processed Micromechanisms," seminar, Center for X-ray Optics, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, November 10, 1989.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromachining," Invited keynote lecture at the 15th annual No. Calif. Microelectronic Symposium of the Intern. Society for Hybrid Microelectronics (ISHM), San Jose Hyatt Hotel, Nov. 8, 1989.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromotors," Lecture at the biotech workshop of the American College of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons, Chicago, IL, May 27, 1989.
Richard S. Muller, "Microdynamic Structures on Silicon," Lecture as part of the Centennial Celebration for Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, April 24, 1989.
Richard S. Muller, "Microdynamic Structures on Silicon," seminar, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 14, 1989.
Richard S. Muller, "Micromechanics on Silicon," seminar, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, March 30, 1989.
Richard S. Muller, "Microdynamics," seminar, Industrial Liaison Meeting, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, March 15, 1989.
Richard S. Muller, "Microdynamic Structures on Silicon," seminar, General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, MI, Feb. 10, 1989.
Richard S. Muller, "Microdynamic Structures," seminar, Dep't of EECS, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Feb. 8, 1989.
Richard S. Muller, "Microdynamics," seminar, Arizona State University and the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering, Tempe, AZ, Jan. 24, 1989.
Richard S. Muller, "Microdynamic Structures," seminar, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Colloquia, Palo Alto, CA, Jan. 19, 1989.
"Micromechanical Structures," seminar, Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory,Laurel, MD, Dec. 3, 1988.
"Micromachines," seminar, JASON Fall Meeting, MITRE Corporation, Washington, DC, Dec. 2, 1988.
"Microdynamic Systems," seminar, Eta Kappa Nu EECS Research Colloquia, Dept. of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, Oct. 24, 1988.
"Micro-miniature Machines," seminar, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Superconducting Supercollider Seminar Series, LBNL, Berkeley, CA, Sept. 16, 1988.
"Microstructures on Silicon," seminar, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, Sept. 9, 1988.
"Surface Micromechanics," seminar, Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm GMBH, Munich,Bavaria, West Germany, July 1, 1988.
"The Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center," seminar, Texas Instruments Deutschland GMBH, Freising, Bavaria, West Germany, June 28, 1988.
"Sensor and Actuator Research at Berkeley," seminar, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, May 31, 1988.
"IC-Compatible Microsensor Technologies," seminar, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, May 28, 1988.
"Engineering Silicon Microstructures," seminar, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California,Berkeley, May 2, 1988.
"Microsensors and Microactuators," University of California Alumni Association, Santa Clara, April 28, 1988.
"Microstructures on Silicon -- A New Dimension for Mechanisms," invited lecture at the Tenth-Anniversary Symposium," National Nanofabrication Facility, Cornell University, April 21, 1988.
"Microstructures for Integrated Sensors and Actuators," Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, March 11, 1988.
"Opportunities for Research in Integrated Sensors," seminar, Eta Kappa Nu series, Dep't of EECS, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Sept. 14, 1987.
"New Technologies for Integrated Sensors and Actuators," seminar, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Sept. 9, 1987.
"Integrated Sensors," seminar, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May 21, 1987.
"New Microstructures for Integrated Sensors," seminar, General Motors Research Sensor Seminar, Warren, MI, December 17, 1986.
"IC-Processed Sensors," seminar, Schlumberger Semiconductor Sensors Conference, Palo Alto, CA, Nov 13, 1986.
"Tuning Sensor Research to Industry," seminar, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Nov 7, 1986.
"Research In Integrated Sensors," seminar, Boeing High Technology Research Laboratory, Bellvue, WA, Sept 22, 1986.
"Silicon Sensors," dinner meeting speaker, The Electrochemical Society: San Francisco Solid-State Science and Technology Division, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Sept 17, 1986.
"Integrated Sensors," seminar, Perkin Elmer Corporation, Danbury, CT, Aug. 6, 1986.
"Physics and technologies for microsensor fabrication," Gordon Research Conference: CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF MICROSTRUCTURE FABRICATION, Brewster Academy, Wolfeboro, NH, July 11, 1986.
"Silicon Microsensors," seminar, General Electric Co. Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York, June 19, 1985.
"New Developments for Integrated Sensors," Defense Science and Electronics, vol. 4, 44-46 (April, 1985).
"Status of Silicon-Based Sensor Technology," seminar, EGG Reticon, Sunnyvale, CA, May 15, 1985.
"Prospects and Practices of Silicon Micromechanics," seminar, AMETEK Microelectronics, El Segundo, CA, April 1, 1985.
"Silicon Sensing Devices," Southwest Energy Control Systems, seminar, Plano, Texas, January 23, 1985.
"Silicon Microsensors Prospects and Challenges," seminar, L.M. Ericsson Co., Stockholm, Sweden, November 22, 1984.
"Integrating Sensors and Electronics New Challenges for Silicon," seminar, Digital Equipment Corporation, Hudson MA, August 15, 1984.
"Silicon Microsensors for Process Controls," seminar, SOHIO Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, September 27, 1984.
"INTEGRATED SENSORs, A New Dimension for Electronics," seminar, IEEE Joint Meeting, Orange County Section and the Electr. Dev./Circuits and Systems Chapter, Santa Ana, CA (December 18, 1983).
"Integrated Sensors A New Dimension for Electronics," seminar, Institute for Semiconductor Techniques, Technical University, Hannover, Germany (June 6, 1983).
"Hot-Electron Effects in MOS Transistors," seminar, N.V. Philips Research Laboratory, Eindhoven, Netherlands (May 30, 1983).
"Integrated Sensors The View from Berkeley," seminar, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands, (May 26, 1983).
"Integrated Sensors A New Dimension for Electronics," seminar, Institute for Integrated Circuits and Fraunhofer Institute, Technical University of Munich, Germany (May 18, 1983).
"Breakdown and Hot Electrons in MOS Transistors," seminar, Siemens Research Laboratory, Munich, Germany (April 21, 1983).
"Hot Electron Effects in MOS Transistors," seminar, Technical University and Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria (April 15, 1983).
"Made in California Electronics and Wine," seminar, Columbus Society, Munich, Germany (Jan. 20, 1983).
"Integrated Sensors The New Electronics," seminar, Amerika Haus, Munich, Germany, in the series America and the Space Program, (Nov. 30, 1982).
"Silicon Micromechanics," seminar, IBM Research Center, San Jose, CA (Nov. 10, 1981).
"Research on Solid-State Sensors," seminar, Department of EECS, Mass. Inst. of Technology, (Nov. 17, 1980).
Richard S. Muller, "Sensor Devices and VLSI," Honeywell Corporate Technology Center, Bloomington, MN, November 2, 1979.
R.S. Muller, "Piezoelectric Strain Transducers," seminar at Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan, (September 3, 1976).
Richard S. Muller, "Research on Piezoelectric Field-Effect Transducers," seminar at the General Motors Research Center, Warren, Michigan, May 11, 1976.
Richard S. Muller, "Semiconducting Temperature Sensors and Their Applications," review of the book by Herbert Sachse, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 12, 1434, Nov. 1975.
Richard S. Muller, "Free Hole Properties in Germanium," Experiment 7B in Laboratory Notes for Engineering 45, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Univ. of California, Berkeley, September, 1963.
Richard S. Muller, "How to Determine Circuit Response with Two Time Constants," Electronic Design,(journal), page 9, April 29, 1959.
Richard S. Muller, "Electronic Processes in Au-CdS-In Diodes," Technical Report, Solid-State Laboratory, Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, May, 1962.
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